about EIT Digital

EIT Digital is a leading European organization driving digital innovation and entrepreneurial education across the continent. To improve brand visibility and create a lasting impact, EIT Digital needed a cohesive and engaging suite of marketing assets. This case study outlines the process of designing these assets to strengthen the organization’s brand identity and better communicate its purpose to potential partners, students, and investors.


The Chalange

  1. Increase brand recognition and awareness among target audiences.
  2. Enhance user experience through consistent and engaging visual design.
  3. Clearly communicate EIT Digital’s purpose, initiatives, and impact.

What did
New Media Sign do

Research and Analysis: The first step was to analyze EIT Digital’s existing branding, messaging, and audience demographics. This involved understanding their core values, strategic objectives, and primary target groups, such as students, entrepreneurs, researchers, and investors.

Design Concepts: Several design concepts were developed to explore different visual directions, focusing on clarity, consistency, and engagement. These concepts were presented to EIT Digital’s stakeholders for feedback and refinement.

Design Execution: Once a design direction was chosen, the marketing assets were created.

By designing a cohesive and engaging suite of marketing assets, EIT Digital has successfully strengthened its brand identity and increased its visibility among key audiences. The new assets effectively communicate the organization’s purpose and showcase its impact on digital innovation and entrepreneurial education in Europe.

The Results

The services provided for EIT Digital

Ads Design
Poster Design
Social Media Posts

Ready to transform your brand?

Simplifying design
for a complex world.
Platform partnerships
Social Media Design

Linkedin documents, Instagram carousels, Facebook posts and more.

Digital Ads

Ad creative for Linkedin, Meta, Google, Pinterest and Amazon.

Presentation Design

Powerpoint, Google Slides and PDF presentations and pitch decks.

Digital Docs & eBook Design

Ebooks, white papers, guides, reports, case studies and more.

Brand Design

Logo design, iconography, brand development and brand guidelines.

UI/UX Design

Marketing website design, landing pages and UI/UX Design.

Website Graphics

Blog headers, explainer graphics and promo banners.

General Design Work

Mockups, resizing images, formatting documents, photo editing and more.

Social Media Design

Linkedin documents, Instagram carousels, and Facebook posts

Digital Ads

Ad creative for Linkedin, Meta, Google, Pinterest and Amazon.

Presentation Design

Powerpoint, Google Slides and PDF presentations and pitch decks.

Digital Docs & eBook Design

Ebooks, white papers, guides, reports, case studies and more.

UI/UX Design

Marketing website design, landing pages and UI/UX Design.

General Design Work

Mockups, resizing images, formatting documents, photo editing and more.

Website Graphics

Blog headers, explainer graphics and promo banners.

Brand Design

Logo design, iconography, brand development and brand guidelines.